
The Art of Creation

Our entire team rolls up its sleeves and gets to work for you every day. Furnishing buildings and spaces in a tasteful and unique way that suits you and you alone. We want to choose shapes, materials, colours and styles that reflect you, without the need for words. Decide on the atmosphere. Whether it’s a metamorphosis of a large restaurant or a (recreation) home – your visitors will immediately recognise themselves and feel at home. People feel that you know, understand and “get” them. This is all reflected in your interior and the choices made together. Distinguish and underline that one thing that makes you so unique. Your guests will be happy to come to you.

Ellis Heideman

At De Projectgroep, no day is the same; there's always something to do. In my role, I'm a true coordinator, ensuring that all my wonderful colleagues can perform their work well and professionally. The hands-on mentality, short communication lines, and the sense of teamwork make working at De Projectgroep enjoyable.

Ellis Heideman
Management Assistent
Robert van der Kooij
Robert van der Kooij
Purchasing Manager
Vanessa van Katwijk
Vanessa van Katwijk

Sanne Achterberg
Sanne Achterberg
Creative Designer
Irina Reijnders

As an interior designer, Irina is the perfect centerpiece within the team at De Projectgroep. Irina possesses extensive material knowledge, and her creativity allows her to bring the most beautiful ideas to life in plans and designs. This makes presentations truly enjoyable because the designs are complete artist impressions. Everyone can see how a space will truly look after the renovation. Irina is the perfect sparring partner for you in every phase of a project.

Irina Reijnders
Creative Designer
Jelle Vredevoort
Jelle Vredevoort
Willem Hoefakker

Willem has earned his stripes in the interior industry. As an interior architect, he has worked for many large international organizations and was a director at De Mandemakersgroep (DMG) for years. Willem speaks passionately about his profession and enjoys showing you the endless, contemporary possibilities and challenges. He will undoubtedly find a perfectly fitting solution for your project as well. He will inspire you and prompt you to think, helping your project reach 'the next level.'

Willem Hoefakker
Bas Lusthof

As a logistics employee at our company, Bas travels throughout the country to oversee all projects from A to Z. The execution is in very capable hands with him, and Bas only leaves a project when the last light is on and everything has been delivered according to the agreement. He is the linchpin in the execution of every project.

Bas Lusthof
Logistics employee
Richelle Hoefakker
Richelle Hoefakker
Creative Designer
Koen Hoefakker

Tijdens zijn internationale economie studie heeft Koen het zó georganiseerd, dat De Projectgroep zijn leerschool is geworden waar hij álle kennis en know-how vanuit zijn economie opleiding perfect heeft kunnen implementeren. De combinatie – vader en zoon – is een gouden duo gebleken. Op organisatorisch vlak is Koen een meester, met als gevolg dat zelfs de grootste projecten enorm efficiënt worden uitgevoerd. Er gaat werkelijk geen moment verloren, daar kun je op rekenen!

Koen Hoefakker

Bart Groendijk
Bart Groendijk
+31 6 41909689
Teun Vleeming
Teun Vleeming
+31 6 23908851
Jur Groendijk

Perfectionisme komt goed van pas in mijn functie bij De Projectgroep. Ik ben heel gedreven omdat ik echt hou van wat ik doe. Mijn werk vraagt om flexibiliteit - elke dag is anders en ik moet zelf creatieve oplossingen vinden voor situaties waar ik soms mee te maken krijg. Dat maakt het zo ontzettend leuk.

Jur Groendijk
+31(0)6 48 20 43 26
© 2025 De Projectgroep
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